Thursday, October 8, 2015

‪‎Global‬ ‎Goals‬ for ‎Sustainable‬ ‎Development

Here are the Global‬ ‎Goals‬ for ‎Sustainable‬ ‎Development explained in one easy infographic .
Which Global Goal means the most to you?

Monday, October 5, 2015


Tourism is an activity that is mainly carried out for recreational and leisure  purposes. This activity has proved vital for many countries-developing as well as developed countries .It has been proved in the case of India. The growth in tourism sector is expected to rise further in the coming decades as the sector is expanding fast. Several establishments are included in the tourism industry whose products are mainly sold to visitors. Railways, Waterways, Roads and other amenities like Electricity, supply of Water, Sewage Dranage, and other facilities like Accommodation, Aviation Sector Recreational facilities, Restaurants and Shopping facilities etc. are one of them. As all these components creates the foundation of tourism industry the Government of India and Ministry of Tourism with the help of state and U.T. Goverenments are launching and developing various development schemes to improve the present situation of infrastructure in India.Present paper highlights the role of tourism industry in social and economical development of country,contribution of Goverenment, Ministry of Tourism and other tourism related organization in infrastructure development, effectiveness of different schemes and programmes initiated by Government to increase the tourist inflow and economic benefits of tourism industry.To measure all above objectives, data and information has been collected through secondary sources including Books, Magazines, Journals, E-Journals, Internet, Reports of WTO, Ministry of Tourism, and World Travel and Tourism Council etc. To analyse all these fact three research questions have been prepared:- a) is tourism industry a boon or a curse to the society? b) are initiatives taken by government to increase the tourist inflow and to develop the tourist infrastructure in india, sufficient or need some amendments? c)do increased economic benefits of tourism industry has created a place for India on world tourism map or not ?.After analyzing all the facts it can be concluded that tourism industry is expanding day by day and contributing a lot towards the economic development of society by providing employment opportunities and huge increase in foreign exchange earning.Though it has some negative sides too but this problem can be eliminated by the joint efforts of government, tourism organizations, media, and of course local communities.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

അന്താരാഷ്ട്ര വയോജന ദിനം

ഒക്ടോബർ 1: വീണ്ടു ഒരു അന്താരാഷ്ട്ര വയോജന ദിനം കൂടി. ഇതു കാണുമ്പോൾ നാമൊക്കെ മനസിൽ ഓർത്തേക്കാം. ഇത് പ്രായമായവർക്കു വേണ്ടിയുള്ള ദിനാചരണമല്ലേ എന്ന്. പക്ഷേ മറക്കാതിരിക്കുക നാമെല്ലാം വയസായിക്കൊണ്ടിരിക്കുകയാണ്. ഇതൊക്കെ നമുക്കും ബാധകമാണ്

ലോക ജനസംഖ്യയിൽ 600 ദശലക്ഷത്തിലധികം ആളുകൾ അറുപത് വയസിനു മേൽ പ്രായമായവരാണെന്നാണ് കണക്ക്. 2025ൽ ഈ സംഖ്യ ഇരട്ടിയാകും. 2050ൽ മൂന്നിരട്ടിയിലേറെയാകും. അതുകൊണ്ടു തന്നെ പ്രായമേറിയവരെ ആരോഗ്യ സാമൂഹിക പ്രശ്നങ്ങൾ സമൂഹത്തെ ഒന്നടങ്കം ബാധിക്കുന്ന പ്രശ്നങ്ങളത്രെ. അവരുടെ പ്രശ്നങ്ങൾ പരിഹരിക്കുക അല്ലാത്ത പക്ഷം അത് ലഘൂകരിക്കുക എന്നത് സമൂഹത്തിന്റെ ബാധ്യതയാണ്. മറിച്ച് അതൊരു ഔദാര്യമല്ല എന്ന് നാം എല്ലാം തിരിച്ചറിയേണ്ടതുണ്ട്.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Captain Kevin Oprey of the Queen Mary 2, the largest ‪#‎ocean‬ ‪#‎liner‬ in the world poses on the bulbous bow to mark the 10th anniversary of the ship.
shipping and logistics =

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Airplane‬ house

When you board an airplane, you usually expect to travel somewhere – but not in this case. Owner Joanne Ussary created this house, in Mississippi, after her original home was destroyed by an ice storm. She converted a decommissioned 727 into a home, which set her back a mere $US30,000 ($41,000) .

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Placements in Guiders Education

Worldwide, it is a known fact that all the efforts, perseverance and knowledge updation of students are primarily focused at securing a good job and then a career. Guiders is a training institute, but the hallmark of education at Guiders is the number of students who got placed after successfully completing their courses and the career growth they all had. It is these happy and contended alumni that propels Guiders to the next phase of growth. There is huge demand for ?right? candidates across all the industries. The systematic training, Industry relevant curriculum, activity based learning, improved communicative skills, grooming support help the students of Guiders to transform themselves as great employees. Below given are some our students who have been successfully placed.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

International courses in Aviation , Logistics , Tourism

Men's ‪‎Grooming‬

You only get one chance to make a first impression.

CIAL‬ to become " solar airport "

Cochin International Airport Ltd (#CIAL)'s prestigious 12 MWp solar power plant, which will make the airport to be completely powered by solar energy, that too first time in the world.
With the commissioning of the plant, Cochin International Airport will become the first airport in the country to be completely powered by solar energy – as its entire power requirement of about 52,000 units daily will be met by these solar plants.

The more you inspire the more people will inspire you

The difference between Guiders Education and other institutions is the realization that each student is an individual with distinctive learning abilities, proficiency and skills. Rather than grooming a group, we specialize in grooming each student individually, guiding him or her to achieve excellence through self-realization and motivation



The new IATA | Authorized Training Center (ATC) logo

The IATA part of the logo stays the same i.e. in IATA blue. The ATC part will henceforth be in green. The color green is most strongly associated with growth, and that is precisely what our ATCs deliver for participants who enroll with them to pursue vocational courses, with a career in our industry in mind.   
‘Going green’ is not a fad these days, but a commitment to preserve our planet for the future generations. IATA Training and Development Institute continues to develop more training content that is available in an electronic format. From this year all ‘Instructor’ kits are being delivered to ATCs as e-books. 

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Guiders Education Elocution Competition winners

Congratulation - Elocution Competition winners

First prize: Vishnu from International combo batch 
Second prize: krishna rajeev from Logistics batch

Third prize: John Anto from aviation first batch 

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Guiders Education is a Learning Partner of Open University of Malaysia

Guiders is awarded by IATA as South Asia Top Performing Authorized Training Center (ATC) 2015

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


GUIDERS has won the accrediations of various trade associations all over the world.


 Guiders is a training institute, but the hallmark of education at Guiders is the number of students who got placed after successfully completing their courses and the career growth they all had. It is these happy and contended alumni that propels Guiders to the next phase of growth. There is huge demand for “right” candidates across all the industries. The systematic training, Industry relevant curriculum, activity based learning, improved communicative skills, grooming support help the students of Guiders to transform themselves as great employees. Below given are some of the companies where our students have been successfully placed.


Guidance at Guiders is driven by a team of devoted educationalists, professionals, teachers and trainers who pool in their ample experience and resources to create the perfect professionals. It is this dedication that makes Guiders stand apart as a leading Educational and Training Institute in Kerala.

Courses offered are:


IATA passenger Ground Services
Diploma in Airport Management
IATA Airport Ramp Services
IATA Travel and Tourism Foundation Course


IATA Travel and Tourism Foundation Course
IATA Tourism Next Generation
IATA Travel and Tourism Consultant Course
Diploma In Tourism Management
CRS Training


Diploma / Post Graduate Diploma in Shipping & Logistics Management
IATA Supply Chain and Transport Modes
IATA Cargo Introductory Course


Business Accounting and Taxation


Careers in aviation: Short-term blip will not eclipse growth prospects in the long haul

The Indian aviation sector has been seeing upheavals every five years or so. It has witnessed airlines such as ModiLuft, Damania and Kingfi...